I was born and raised in Iowa City and have always considered it home.
I spent 33 years in law enforcement in Cedar Rapids, although I have been a Johnson County resident for most of my life.
In 2011, I became involved with what the needs were for a Johnson County Justice Center building — Combining Court needs to Sheriff Department needs.
I applied to be part of a committee to see what the needs were truly and to provide that feedback to the Johnson County Supervisors.
The committee looked over about 25 proposals from Architect Companies and narrowed the list down to just a few for face to face presentation and interviews. All of this was done so Johnson County residents could visualize what kind of building, site plan and cost were going to be involved in a proposed building. Plus we wanted to see what ideas these companies had for this proposed new Johnson County Justice Center.
From the Architects qualifications to government standards for jails — all considerations were explored. It was obvious to me that Johnson County needed to move forward on the new proposed Justice Center. The 110 year old Court House, current jail and Sheriff Department Administration have served their purpose for 1901 and 1980 standards!
It is a no brainer that these two facilities need to operate together rather than down the street from one another. We need to have an efficient way for these two to operate together. For more information go to jcjusticecenter.com and don’t forget to turn your ballot over and vote YES for justice. Thanks…
October 31, 2012 | jcjusticecenter | 0 Comments
33-Year Law Enforcement Veteran Endorses Justice Center
I spent 33 years in law enforcement in Cedar Rapids, although I have been a Johnson County resident for most of my life.
In 2011, I became involved with what the needs were for a Johnson County Justice Center building — Combining Court needs to Sheriff Department needs.
I applied to be part of a committee to see what the needs were truly and to provide that feedback to the Johnson County Supervisors.
The committee looked over about 25 proposals from Architect Companies and narrowed the list down to just a few for face to face presentation and interviews. All of this was done so Johnson County residents could visualize what kind of building, site plan and cost were going to be involved in a proposed building. Plus we wanted to see what ideas these companies had for this proposed new Johnson County Justice Center.
From the Architects qualifications to government standards for jails — all considerations were explored. It was obvious to me that Johnson County needed to move forward on the new proposed Justice Center. The 110 year old Court House, current jail and Sheriff Department Administration have served their purpose for 1901 and 1980 standards!
It is a no brainer that these two facilities need to operate together rather than down the street from one another. We need to have an efficient way for these two to operate together. For more information go to jcjusticecenter.com and don’t forget to turn your ballot over and vote YES for justice. Thanks…
~ Joe Hanrahan
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