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Lack of courtroom space is an injustice

[Source: “Lack of courtroom space is an injustice,” Press Citizen, 19 April 2013, by Kevin Kinney] I am writing this letter in support of the justice center. I work daily with the victims of crimes and see how they are being re-victimized in Johnson County by the lack of courtroom space and the availability of […]

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Vote ‘yes’ to improve space and safety

[Source: “Vote ‘yes’ to improve space and safety,” Press Citizen, 19 April 2013, by Phil Leff] I have practiced law in Johnson County for 50 years. The old courthouse was an integral part of my practice and initially served the population well, but eventually became stuck in time. I am very familiar with its shortcomings. […]

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Vote ‘yes’ to update courthouse

[Source: “Vote ‘yes’ to update courthouse,” Press Citizen, 17 April 2013, by Renee and Joe Hanrahan] The Johnson County historic courthouse was designed and built in the year 1899-1900 and dedicated in 1901. By 1900 standards this was a proud, modern building with electric lights, steam heating and large high-ceiling windows for ventilation. Today, 112 […]

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Process on justice center has been open, thoughtful

[Source: “Process on justice center has been open, thoughtful,” Press Citizen, 17 April 2013, by Larry T. Wilson] There are many safety, security and space concerns about Johnson County’s existing courthouse and jail that make the proposed justice center a critical ballot issue in the upcoming May 7 special election. Concerns include safety risks for […]

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Many reasons to vote ‘yes’ May 7

[Source: “Many reasons to vote ‘yes’ May 7,” 17 May 2013, Press Citizen, by John Balmer] There are many reasons why citizens need to vote “yes” on May 7 for a new Johnson County justice center. One of the most significant is how much it’s costing taxpayers not to act. Every day we wait to […]

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Don’t be distracted; vote ‘yes’

[Source: “Don’t be distracted; vote ‘yes’,” Press Citizen, 17 April 2013, by Lonny Pulkrabek] Please don’t let distractions and unrelated reasons stop you from getting out and supporting the justice center. The justice center is much more than just extra jail space. In fact, the jail portion of the proposal is only 34 percent of […]

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County has outgrown jail, courthouse

[Source: “County has outgrown jail, courthouse,” Press Citizen, 17 April 2013, by Paula Sears] Johnson County has outgrown its current courthouse, jail and sheriff’s office. Our current facility creates an unsafe environment for our jurors, the employees and anyone who has reason to visit. Our courthouse is 112-years-old and has outgrown its capacity to serve […]

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Single facility improves safety, security, space

[Source: “Single facility improves safety, security, space,” Press Citizen, 16 April 2013, by Jim McCarragher] Nicholas Johnson’s recent guest column claimed there’s a much easier, win-win option to the current proposal for a new Johnson County justice center on the ballot in May. However, Johnson’s idea of creating a second, separate facility at another location […]

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Vote ‘no’ on justice center, but ‘yes’ for courthouse

[Source: “Vote ‘no’ on justice center, but ‘yes’ for courthouse,” Press Citizen, 11 April 2013, by Nicholas Johnson] Note: This article is included here because it is part of a dialog about why there should be a unified courthouse and jail. Jim McCarragher has written a response to this article. There’s a happy, win-win approach […]

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Johnson County Iowa – Incarceration and Racial Disparity – Causes and Solutions

[Source: “Johnson County Iowa – Incarceration and Racial Disparity – Causes and Solutions,”, 1 April 2013, by Greg Johnson] The justice system in Johnson County seems to be disproportionately arresting and incarcerating people simply on the basis of race. (Source: “Time to correct underlying causes of jail overcrowding,” Press Citizen, 31 March 2013) Once […]

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